My first interview

1. Who is your favorite teacher so far?
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Langdon 
2. what is your strongest subject?
My strongest subject is math 
3. How do you think you are doing in school?
I could do better
4. What is the best memory you have of high school so far ?
when i got to reunite with my old friend form 5th grade
5. How long do you spend on homework on a regular night?
I don't do homework 
6. Do you study for big exams or quizzes?
no i like to fail them 
7. Are you taking any PRE-AP classes if so how many ?
no not takig any PRE-AP classes 
8. Do you think the teachers are doing a good job on teaching you?
Some teachers just don't know how to teach 
9. Do your friends distract you on school work?
10. Does FIT help you with doing school work?
no i use it for free time and sometimes for school work 
11. Do you like the way students treat you ?
i don't care how they treat me but they don't treat me bad
12. Do you like how others are treated?
no not really because sometimes they take advantage of them 
13. Does reminder help you keep track of what you need to do? why or why not ?
no because i don't like to do it if you remind
14. Do you think we need to start using lockers at Bowie?
no i like caring my backpack around
15. Do you think you need more freedom in any of your classes ?
yes because sometimes you need a break so you can let your brain "breath"
16. What is the best thing you like about Bowie?
that it has vending machines 
17. What are you thinking of doing after high school?
Try to get a job and move out of my parents house
18.What is something you look in a good teacher?
they can relate with the students and if the have a problem they will actually help you 
19. How does it feel to finally be in High School?
kind of sucks because they are making you face reality and grow up
20. Do you participate in any sports?
yes boxing


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