The Dispatch Issue #4

Story 1: page 12
The story here is about the Mary Poppins musical of Bowie High School. Students and teachers that participated in the musical were really excited and sad at the same time because the musical had ended, but they were really proud of what they have done. Everyone had a good time during the musical, everyone worked really hard and by caring they showed that they really like bringing musicals to life. I would say Marry Poppins was the main person in this musical, the Musical was taken place at Bowie High School. Madeline Sparks , the main actor who played the part of Mary Poppins, "[Mary Poppins] has magical powers and it amazes the kids and she leaves once she is recognizes that they don't need her anymore". This was the strongest quote in the story because of the meaning it has, it's saying who Mary Poppins is and what she does. This quote was in the second paragraph on the top left. Yes, the lead sentence of this story made me want  to keep reading because I don't really know a whole lot about the Mary Poppins and this story made me understand more about this special Musical that everyone loved.

Story 2: page 5
Austin Buttlar, a Junior at Bowie is really dedicated to mountain biking and is part of the varsity mountain biking team. He practices a lot for him and his teams big day and together as a team, they never give up and never leave someone behind. They try their best on something they love and while doing do it, they have nothing else on their minds but biking.
Austin and his team, are in love with biking, they bike at the trails of Circle C . " When I'm biking it gives me the opportunity to take my mind off things and focus on the trail and the nature around", Austin said. This is really important to him and this quote shows that he really likes it and also he would keep biking in the future. The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading, this person is someone that really knows what their future is gong to be about and is never going to let it go.

Story 3: page 13
#Metoo is really something that we needed in this almost amazing world, women go through a lot whether is abuse or not and when they do go through it they don't speak up. Now with this hashtag or just this sentence with a couple of words, gives the chance to woman to speak up and share what has happen to them. By sharing what happend to them, other woman take it as advice to watch out and to not let that happen. Also these couple words stick women together and make us strong to keep abuse out of our life.

Page 7:
My least favorite photo is the one the bottom left because it's really boring to me and it's not good its part of a magical place.
My favorite photo is the 1st one because it shows the main thing that they do and the most amazing part the singing and

Page 16:
My least favorite picture is the one about "THE FINAL TOUCH" is really dark and i can't really see the main stuff. Other than that the photo is good, it shows the important act and it makes it seem important.
My favorite photo is "JUST A TRIM" i really like this picture because it's really important and it shows how and what making pottery is like.

The photography in this issue is an 8 is not bad but it's boring, a lot of people can do somuch better when they are in newspaper.


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