Fashion Photography

Evolution Video
                 The changes that were made to the models face were:
Before the actually shooting they added a lot of make up to her face, fake eyelashes, her hairstyle and all that.After they took the shot, they changed her neck size and how long it was. Her eyes were different, they changed her lip size as well as her nose. Most of what was her isn't there anymore. 

2nd video 
                  The changes that were made to the model:
They had her all ready, they made changes when they didn't even have taken the photo. They changed  her size, how long she was. They added hair, added a lot of makeup. They changed all of her and made her not her, they also changed her skin tone. Her face was formed differently, changed her eye color.

Photos has gone too far
                  The changes that were made were:
The body structure was way different. They way that she looked, the size, the hairstyle, everything was so different. First of all why would you change a pizza to a person, this is really getting out of hand. The model really looked natural, she didn't look like she was formed from a slice of pizza.

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?
It is not ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance how did in a photo. Because that's not showing who they are, how they actually look like. Aren't the commercials supposed to be how people look, and how the thing that they are trying to sell make them look. 

5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
In all i think it's wrong in all ways and it shouldn't be done.

6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
 The changes that are okay are just applying make up or no make up and just looking natural. The changes that are not okay are changing the size of the people, the appearance, the color of their skin, that's just not okay.

7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
 Fashion photography is so different from photojournalism, in photojournalism we don't change everything and the size of a person.

8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
They are all people and human but still aren't themselves or they are and other people just change them.

9.Why do you think I'm showing you these three videos?
So we can see what photoshop can do and to know how to do it and get practice. I really didn't know you could turn a pizza into a person, a human being until i saw the videos.


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