Africa and The Abandoned Theme Parks


On your blog post your reactions to what you read and what you saw
I saw a lot of good photos. It's nature, animals, and environment like pictures. Nick Brandt really likes wildlife and he takes pictures of wildlife in Africa because he wants to capture how the animals live and what their environment looks like before they don't exist anymore. "This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us", he said.
Do a google image search for Nick Brandt, find your favorite photo and post it on your blog:

Image result for nick brandt elephant
Describe it and tell me why it's your favorite
The elephant is the main thing, it's drinking water out of a little river. The background is really pretty and looks like the rest of the picture.I like this photo because I like elephants but the main reason is the background and the fact that it's all one color but in different shades.

What rules of photography are evident in the photos that you selected, be sure to explain the rule to me?
I think the most rule of photography that I noticed was simplicity because I can tell the elephant is the main point in the photo. The elephant is the thing that pops out.

What kind of camera and lens does he use and why is it important ?
Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67 and "normal" lenses.

What is his reason for taking these type of photos?
His reason for taking this type of photos to see what the animals look like before they get taken away or done something really bad.

What is his hope by taking these type of photos?
To see if the world can change. Help the animals instead of hurting them.

Find something he has to say about Africa, and post the quote on your blog.
"There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies."

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would like to go to The Six Flags in New Orleans, USA because is the only thing that looks actually really scary and would probably make me pee my pants. IT actually looks haunted with the clown. The Six Flags opened in the 2000 and that makes the photos more creepy and more interesting looking.

Image result for six flags new orleans usa

  • The zoo 
  • Haunted house
  • Paris
  • The desert
5. I think it would be interesting to take photos at a Halloween Party and Haunted house to see the faces of people getting scared and see if they will pee themselves or just see if they could take the Haunted house. I would take like people getting really scared and their face will be so funny. Going through haunted house and getting scared, would be the best part. Taking photos might me challenging but the outcome would make it all worth it.


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