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Page 13 
 Powerful movement takes over pop culture
2. It's about this new phrase that women can use to get help and get justice for what happen to them.
3." Not only does this movement unify women, it exposes and forces many of them men guilty of harassment to face their well-deserved consequences"
5. yes because it makes sense, everyone should pay for the injustice that they did, they caused. Everything wrong has a consequence
7. They wrote this maybe in 2nd person point of view

Good riddance to all the trends and topics of 2017  
1. Katie Holme 
2. The story is about the new year coming and new beginnings and saying goodbye to the past memories and making new ones, there's always something new that is coming. 
3." we have seen changes almost everywhere including places like the internet, the music industry, and our nation.
5. no 
7. I believe they wrote in 2nd point of view

Page 14
Apple reaches new low with batteries 
1. Ian Miller 
2. the story is about apple phones steeling from costumers, making them think buying the newest addition is the best thing. Saving the battery I think isn't really a thing.
3." the way i see it, Apple's goal with these updates aren't to protect the battery, but rather to promote its newer iPhone models"
5. no 
7. they wrote in 1st point of view 

Page 15  
Hollywood speaks out over workplace sexual abuse 
1. Kiran Patel 
2. A movement like  #MeToo , Time's Up, make women or any one share their stories about injustice.
3. " Movements like Time's up are essential in the world  and needed until the issue of sexual harassment and misconduct is solved."
5. no because nobody should harass or molest anyone.
7. 3rd person 


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