Student of the month story

who- Johana Ochoa
what- Student of the month
where- Bowie High School
when- Wednesday March 7, 2018
why - Johana is a good student, gets her work done and tries her best. This award is based on her accomplishments and achievements. a sophomore who has worked hard to get where she is now. School has really changed Johana's life, know how to make something out of her life and give on something that is getting difficult.
how- Bowie High School gives this specific award every year. They go through every student and mark which one are legible and pick the best one.

Bowie High School is a school that always looks out for the students, every year they have many different of awards to show how hard students work and how they really care about their education.
The Student of the month was one of the awards that were handed out, the student that wins this award has worked really hard to get where they are now. Only one out of many students win this award and they may not know that they are going to win but maybe they can. On March 7, 2018 Bowie High School finally presented this award, and the owner of the award was Johana Ochoa, that day she knew all her hard work had finally payed off.

"Being picked student of the month is an experience that it's never going to forgotten",  Johana said, Johana was chosen to be Student of the month and as it shows here she was the happiest girl in the planet. Johana Ochoa is a Sophomore at Bowie High School, working hard and showing it off because it fits her the best. When it came to school work, Johana never gave up even of it was getting hard maybe even impossible but she made it work. Johana is a straight A student and never goes home knowing she's failing something, she's the best example for a good student.

The student of the month award is handed out to those who really put in all they have to do the best. When the award goes out to the owner, the owner is sometimes shocked, surprised, sad and happy they really don't know what to expect because their is a lot of students looking out for this award.

" I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with after high school, but now that i got these award I know I can do anything that I really want", Johana said.


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