Warm up

1.    What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these images?
At first I felt really happy for them because they looked so in love in the pictures but then when I was scrolling to the bottom and saw the other ones and they were so different from the ones above , I felt really bad for him and her because he lost his partner

2.    The photographer said this:"These photographs do not define us, but they are us."What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos?
I think they don't define them or us because when you take a picture sometimes you get caught off guard.

3.  Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation?
I really don't think that I'm going to be able to take photos like these. I would start crying and feel depressed or something that I'm not going to be in the mood to shoot.

4.    If you could write Angelo a letter, what would you say to him?
I would of said that he took very beautiful photos and that they are good memories and bad but they are still memories.


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